Increasing Your Potential Using Sacred Geometry
see and feel for yourself
What You Gain From Sacred Geometry In Your Daily Life
These loving mandalas are tools to bring more harmony in your daily life, to receive new insights, universal knowledge and wisdom. They are stimulating the expansion of the horizons of your thinking, raising your awareness and self-love. Through this you easily receive healing, activation and harmonization of your energy systems.
The mandalas are encouraging you to be more heart-centered and they raise your frequency, creating healthy and positive vibes by transforming and transmuting any fears, worries and stress.
They accelerate your personal growth, expand your creativity and bring deeper coherence into your being. The mandalas empower you to remain aware and live in the present moment. This creates inner peace, strength and stability.
Find Out Why Sacred Geometry Is So Effective
The manifestation of your body begins with one single cell, then it multiplies until there is a geometric pattern also called “The Seed of Life”. That means that energy manifests into something physical through Sacred Geometry. What can be more effective to use than something which we have been originally created from?
Every single cell and atom in our body communicates in this way – every single creation starts from geometric patterns. Even water molecules, snow flakes and sound waves have a geometric fundament. When we use these mandalas inspired and created by Zlatko with various themes and qualities, we find that they prove themselves very effective for our whole being – physically and non-physically.
Think about it, do your own investigation, feel through your own intuition. When you walk outside and you look at the flowers, you see geometric patterns everywhere!
Choosing A Mandala From The Gallery
Choosing a mandala is a beautiful process on its own. Trust your intuition/feelings to guide you to the mandala that is for your highest potential and development. Take a moment to look at each mandala. To which one are you instantly drawn to? Perhaps a certain mandala is feeling uncomfortable at start, which may be a blessing in disguise.
For each mandala we have put guidelines to help you make the best choice. Having a challenging time to choose a mandala? Then please feel free to contact us and ask for guidance.
How To Use Sacred Geometry to Reach a Higher Awareness and Enlightenment
Zlatko’s approach and personal experience with Sacred Geometry
My view on Sacred Geometry has nothing to do with the theoretical approach about this subject – furthermore, I’ve discovered and obtained incredible amounts of insights, wisdom and knowledge from these Mandalas. When I started to create them, something changed in me, like a shift in consciousness, very rapidly.
I have noticed this shift especially throughout many tough moments in my daily life – when my coherence was increasing during stress times, decision making and emotional imbalance. The happiness, sense of joy, love, peace and harmony within myself, rapidly grew stronger and more intensely in a short amount of time.
My deep curiosity to find more ‘spiritual’, rather than theoretical, understanding about Sacred Geometry has led me into various approaches. Through meditation with the mandalas, I’ve noticed that I began to obtain deeper wisdom, a boost in my intuition, confidence, ability to communicate clearer, amongst many other things which has brought a lot of clarity and understanding in my daily life.
Personally, I feel much more connected with this ‘spiritual’/deep approach on Sacred Geometry which goes further than the mind can conceive – it is something that has to be felt with the heart. In this way the inner growth reaches to higher grounds with amazing results!
When we get more theoretical, we trigger the mind to be analytical. There is nothing wrong with that only that this causes a natural response from the mind to create a ‘wall’ – meaning to raise more unnecessary questions and it distracts us from the true essence of the fact. Expansion is natural and the best way to expand is through the heart.
Correct decisions making, achieving and maintaining emotional stability, as well as developing more heart-intelligence has made a great impact on my life.
Through this form of ‘visual’ meditation, I had no longer an excuse that I didn’t have ‘time’ to meditate for 30 minutes. Now I could meditate with my eyes open, in a public place, on an airplane, etc. In these moments I could almost immediately feel more in coherence with my breathing, mind and heart.
This whole amazing journey is still expanding and manifesting with immense speed!
More for you here ↓
What does Sacred Geometry actually mean?
It is the language of creation, our total existence. The Universe communicates via geometric shapes (Mandalas) and energy moves through these shapes to maintain Creation based on a strong fundament. Thus, the energy of the Universe is organizing itself through the construction and unification of these patterns.
The very core of manifestation is done by geometric patterns. In this picture (on the left) you can clearly see how we are being created in our mother’s womb as we start with one cell, it multiplies until completion of our physical body – this goes for the complete process of EVERYTHING that is being created in a physical way!
“Geometry existed before the creation.” -Plato
Sacred Geometry is found everywhere in existence and you can observe these forms in the universe, nature, art, music, architecture, and of course in the human body. It is amazing to notice how these geometrical archetypes can be found in their smallest forms such as the hexagonal shape of a beehive or the spiral shape of a snail and at the same time in the grant design of our universe.
This reminds us of our oneness and connectedness to all life, and our relationship to the whole.
of information transmitted to the brain is visual
is all that is remembered after reading text.
of the brain’s neurons are dedicated to vision